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Title: Ubuntu16.04, Kernel, and Boot image Issues [Print This Page]

Author: steven_hyper    Time: 4/6/2017 08:37
Title: Ubuntu16.04, Kernel, and Boot image Issues
Hello Firefly community,

I am running to some issues getting the boot image that I compiled from the firefly github repository on a host machine running Ubuntu 14.04 to work on the rk3288 firefly dev board.

I am able to compile the latest kernel by following the instructions provided at ... 288/Build_kernel/en. I am also able to build the Initramfs and build the boot image. However, when I flash the boot.img via rkflashtool to the boot partition, the board will always just have a blank screen. I have been trying different rockchip_linux defconfigs and did not get any different outcome.

Have anyone who attempted to build their own kernel and Ubuntu images ran into a similar issue? Or maybe you did things differently from what the firefly team suggests and got a working image.

For reference, I am using the following source code:
- kernel_4.4 (firefly-rk3288 branch):
- initrd (for-kernel_4.4 branch):

On a side note, once I get a working kernel and boot image, I plan to port the mali kernel driver r12p0 released by ARM. This is because the current mali driver is r9 and I am hoping to improve my performance with OpenGL ES with the newer gpu driver.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Author: isle    Time: 4/6/2017 11:25
any log from uart?
Author: steven_hyper    Time: 4/7/2017 04:18
Last edited by steven_hyper In 4/7/2017 04:19 Editor

No, I am not receiving any UART messages from the development board. The screen is just black and I am unable to SSH into the the dev board as well. Also, the green led that normally goes on at power up does not turn on.

I know the development board is not broken because I can flash the old boot image and have the development board work again.

I rebuilt the kernel following the instructions at I added the line
Copy the code
to the configuration file before compiling. The compilation ends successfully giving me the kernel.img and resource.img. I flash the two image files using upgrade_tool for linux.

I included the config file I am using. Maybe I am using the wrong one?

3.16 KB, Down times: 4

Author: isle    Time: 4/7/2017 09:30
the loader and the uboot send logs to uart2 by default,
and, did the old boot image send any logs?
It is difficult to figure out  your problem with no logs.
Author: eghbalmohsen    Time: 4/24/2017 15:28
Dear Steven,
You can use the debug port and connect it via a usb-serial to you host pc and review your boot log or post it here.
the log helps a lot.
Author: steven_hyper    Time: 4/29/2017 01:03
Thanks for the help, I managed to get the boot sequence to show now. Unfortunately, the system seems to just hang right after the boot sequence. All I see is a black screen with a blinking cursor.

I have attached a picture of the boot sequence. Any input on what may be wrong would be appreciated.

firefly_rk3288_boot_sequence_stuck.jpg (4.65 MB, Down times: 92)


Author: isle    Time: 5/2/2017 19:18
It looks like the X server get some errors,
could you use the serial debug to login the ubuntu system? ... 288/Serial_debug/en

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