Title: Serial Console hang [Print This Page] Author: jas-rk Time: 12/27/2014 04:46 Title: Serial Console hang I've noticed that the serial console will hang after a random period of time. The symptoms are that the firefly no longer accepts input from 'minicom' however output continues to be displayed. The hang can only be cleared by a reboot and happens in Android or Ubuntu. I noticed the same problem has been reported in the Chinese forums.Author: isle Time: 12/27/2014 11:57
yeh.this is a common problem. Author: boge90 Time: 12/29/2014 19:06
I'm experiencing the same, and it occurs every timeI boot into miniroot.
I can see new kernel messages when I e.g. insert a memory card, but I cannot type any commands.
Is there any known solution for this issue?Author: Andy Time: 12/30/2014 09:30
We are fixing this problem.Author: bzhao Time: 3/19/2016 14:53
Please go, we wait for you !!!! I am using the same usb serial adaptor for different platform, and never met this problem.!
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