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Title: I need help to try to recover my RK3399 she is dead ! [Print This Page]

Author: navigatoria    Time: 12/13/2018 01:31
Title: I need help to try to recover my RK3399 she is dead !

After trying to install the official ubuntu version I had a flash error, after my card became totally inactive!

There is the Firefly fan that turns and the blue led that comes on. Windows10 recognizes it in "class for Rockusb device" without problem when I boot it in "Loader mode".

I do not know enough about motherboard development, so I called a friend specializing in Raspberry Pi and in Orange Pi, he said he never saw that, he tried 6x to start in mode " MaskRom mode" by following this procedure on this page :

To try to save the flash, but impossible to start with this mode. my problem came when I tried to flash Uvuntu 18.04 from your official Google Drive at this address, a serious error occurred : ... 2409&extra=page%3D1

and even android and XUbuntu16 oficiel since your drive, now my card is as dead what to do ??? You can post a video or tutorial to start in Maskrom and not just text with a blurry photo?

Thanks in advance.
Author: navigatoria    Time: 12/13/2018 01:37
Last edited by navigatoria In 12/13/2018 01:45 Editor

How to make AndroidTool work on my Windows10?

I try all the options, impossible to work, it's always the same mistake, it starts and crashes as soon as I try to make a flash or anything else with the software, can not press the program buttons except to search for a file. I know nobody who has anything but windows10 in europe, so what to do? You can make me please an understandable tutorial for a beginner to return the factory settings in MaskRom mode, your explanation on the Firefly wiki is unclear, the picture is vague and the explanation is approximate.

NOTE : Do not tell me to pass the program in "super administrator" mode please windows10, otherwise I will
angry, I programmed several software, I manage several website and I do robotics, I know when even recognize a program that does not work from a program that works. for information I used the option of windows 10 which allows to launch the programs in the versions old win 2000, vista, win 7 and 8 NONE does not work, it is always the same problem and whatever the version of AndroidTool, the program starts well (without the config file) but crashes when one presses a button when the firefly rk3399 is connected.

Thank you
Author: penguin    Time: 12/13/2018 09:19
Extract the to a directory and run from there,
as noted in another thread.


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