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Title: Why am I getting AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ????? [Print This Page]

Author: stillgoing    Time: 3/7/2015 11:41
Title: Why am I getting AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ?????


I'm attempting to install a simple test app on the RK3288, thus far without success.

When attempting to debug the app Android Studio, a line is displayed in the AS console window stating it is "waiting on device."

In the terminal window used to start adb server, the following line is displayed multiple times:

AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ????????????

From the same terminal window, "adb devices" returns this:

List of devices attached
????????????        no permissions

Can someone help me understand why this is happening?

Fwiw, my environment is Ubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit, Android Studio 1.1.0

Thank you.

Author: solid    Time: 3/7/2015 15:45
Title: Re: Why am I getting AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ?
you need to add udev rules or a usb.ini file from lsusb

Author: stillgoing    Time: 3/9/2015 03:11
Title: Re: Why am I getting AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ?

Thank you for the response.

Itwas my understanding that udev rules had been set up already according to the instructions on the wiki page "ADB Usage" -> "ADB Installation under Ubuntu": ... der_Ubuntu

Find below what I did according to that page. Are you saying that I need to do something different? Are these instructions for the RK3288 under Ubuntu incorrect or missing something?

Add device identity:

mkdir -p ~/.android
vi ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
# append following line

Add udev rule:
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
# append following line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666"

plug the USB OTG cable out, then plug in, or run the following
commands, to make udev rule take effect:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

Author: busybee    Time: 3/9/2015 10:37
Title: Re: Why am I getting AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ?

So copy the adb to /usr/bin for convenience.


sudo adb kill-server

sudo adb shell

To see if you can get a shell of the device.

This is to confirm if permission is the root cause of your problem.

Author: stillgoing    Time: 3/13/2015 05:02

I did as you suggested above, am still running into the same problem attempting to connect to adb over usb.

However,  I can connect to adb over ethernet.  So...I have serial-over-usb debug console, usb OTG  for flashing, and ethernet for adb - with that combination everything is working to the extent needed.

Will update this thread when (or if) I finally resolve the adb-over-usb problem.

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