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Title: Google Play Store Install for Android 11 [Print This Page]

Author: milarkii    Time: 7/27/2023 10:32
Title: Google Play Store Install for Android 11
Almost regretting buying this Station M2 device. I am taking an official image and I cannot install a basic app (Google Play Store). Can someone tell me how this has to be done? I followed this guide ( ... any-android-device/) and actually found my Device ID and registered it hours ago and still no luck. I keep getting "Device not certified" and the Google Play apps keep crashing.tchip_askquestions

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Author: ulnaoperating    Time: 3/28/2024 12:46
It appears like you're doing everything by the book, but the Google Play Store installation on your Station M2 is still giving you trouble. Several factors should be taken into account:

Most Android devices are not compatible with the website you provided. The Station M2 may use an incompatible custom OS with the Google Play Store.
To find out if Station M2 is compatible with the Google Play Store, you can visit their official website or read their documentation. Either an alternative approach exists, or it may simply not be feasible.

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