sfxworks Posted at 7/19/2021 10:20:17

How do I boot ubuntu on this board?

I've had so much trouble.
On linux it always results in com failure. Related to udev?

On windows, the tool takes forever to download. Once downloaded, the upgrade firmware works, but still doesn't boot. If the steps from Download Image are needed, there is NO instruction where to get the files necessary.https://wiki.t-firefly.com/en/ROC-RK3566-PC/03-upgrade_firmware.html

It should NOT be this hard to flash the device both via the computer and physically hitting the recover button between the small space at the audio jack.

I would like clear instructions on how to switch this device from android to ubuntu.

sfxworks Posted at 7/19/2021 10:42:00

Wiping firmware via eraseflash tool BUT updating firmware via Upgrade Disk Tool works. Updating firmware via RKDev tool doesn't.

sfxworks Posted at 7/19/2021 10:44:08

Also I could never wipe the firmware except from maskrom. If it was in loader, I always had to do try, let it fail, then reconnect the device.

sfxworks Posted at 7/19/2021 14:41:33

and which one is the minimal image? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ITtdb89s2vf5NPJmkuxFB9ylTz10Wt2l

I tried IREFLY-RK3566-ROC-PC_RTLINUX_UBUNTUUBUNTU-GPT-20210714-1024 and I can't even run apt, it has a temp fs, and the mount points are in the bad way.
FIREFLY-RK3566-ROC-PC_UBUNTU18.04-GPT-20210714-1744.7z has a desktop and I don't want that.

wtarreau Posted at 7/20/2021 01:20:53

For me this image always FAILS to download:


$ sudo /home/willy/rk3566/Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.59/upgrade_tool uf /dev/shm/FIREFLY-RK3566-ROC-PC_UBUNTU18.04-GPT-20210714-1744.img
Not found config.ini
Program Data in /home/willy/rk3566/Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.59
Loading firmware...
Support Type:RK3568   FW Ver:1.0.00   FW Time:2021-07-14 17:45:01
Loader ver:1.01 Loader Time:2021-07-14 17:44:20
Download Boot Fail

And yes, I also tried to erase first as indicated in the wiki. This doesn't change the outcome.

I ordered two StationPC-M2, and for now I have two bricks.

I agree with the OP, it should not be that hard to install the first OS image on such a device.
Just providing a bootable SD image is what anyone would expect, not running those bogus rockchip tools which ABSOLUTELY NEVER WORK. I even managed to get some segfaults!

Please indicate me where to download an image that was tested and that is known to be flashable, or an SD image that is able to replicate on the eMMC. I've spent all the afternoon fighting with this crap, I already regret having ordered from t-firefly :-(

wtarreau Posted at 7/20/2021 01:28:48

By the wayn @sfxworks, regarding the small space between the jack and the button, it is placed there so that you can access it through the jack using a toothpick. Just cut both ends of your toothpick and it will naturally fall on the button.

wtarreau Posted at 7/22/2021 02:43:07

So actually the reason it does not boot is that U-Boot does not see the eMMC device at all. I'm really wondering if it was installed at all!
=> bdinfo
arch_number = 0x00000000
boot_params = 0x00000000
DRAM bank   = 0x00000000
-> start    = 0x00200000
-> size   = 0x08200000
DRAM bank   = 0x00000001
-> start    = 0x09400000
-> size   = 0xE6C00000
baudrate    = 1500000 bps
TLB addr    = 0xEFFF0000
relocaddr   = 0xEDD5B000
reloc off   = 0xED35B000
irq_sp      = 0xEB9F9020
sp start    = 0xEB9F9020
FB base   = 0x00000000
Early malloc usage: 32f8 / 80000
fdt_blob = 00000000eb9f9038

=> mmc list
dwmmc@fe2b0000: 1
dwmmc@fe2c0000: 2
sdhci@fe310000: 0

=> mmc dev 1
MMC error: The cmd index is 1, ret is -110
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 10
=> mmc dev 2
MMC error: The cmd index is 1, ret is -110
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 51

=> mmc rescan
MMC error: The cmd index is 0, ret is -110
mmc_init: -110, time 5

=> this is totally bogus!
The only way I managed to flash the device was by leaving a virgin SD card in the slot. Otherwise it refuses to flash, which makes sense of course, if the eMMC is not accessible from the boot loader!

So now I have no idea what to do. I think ,I'll ask for a refund because at this level it's a real abuse, they're selling a device that cannot work at all and are blatantly lying to their customers without making any effort to provide working images nor considering their questions.

sfxworks Posted at 8/6/2021 14:20:02

Finally got it to work using their latest image in august

macallan Posted at 4/9/2023 18:01:51

Same problem. My M2 absolutely will not boot from anything other than eMMC. Installed the boot loader via OS assistant, it claims it succeeded but instead of the boot manager I just get station OS again.
I'm beginning to regret buying this thing.

Firefly Posted at 4/10/2023 11:39:49

macallan Posted at 4/9/2023 18:01
Same problem. My M2 absolutely will not boot from anything other than eMMC. Installed the boot loade ...

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