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Title: Resolution detection not working [Print This Page]

Author: wouter    Time: 12/1/2016 21:56
Title: Resolution detection not working
I am completely new to the Rk3288-world, so I may be doing something wrong here but I cannot seem to connect my Firefly-Rk3288 Reload to any monitor properly:
- When I connect it to an old 720p tv I get something that looks like overscan so the edges of the screen fall off and the screen is very blurry.
- When I connect it to an 1080p screen I get 720p resolution.
- When I connect to a 4k tv I get 720p resolution.

In the monitor resolution settings I can't change away from 720p, and the Linux tool xrandr doesn't do anything either. It does not make a difference if I use the HDMI 2.0 or the 1.4 port.
How can I get resolution detection to work properly?
Author: isle    Time: 12/2/2016 09:15
which firmware did you use?
Did you try this one ? ... &extra=page%3D2
Author: wouter    Time: 12/2/2016 16:21
I am using the original firmware that came with my Reload  board, which is a dual boot with Android 5.1.1 and Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel version 3.10.0. On the Google Drive I can't find a firmware for the Reload board newer than march 14 - can I use a firmware from the HardwareVersion-2014.09.30 folder? Because in the topic you linked it says the Reload board is not supported in kernel 4.4 yet?
Author: isle    Time: 12/2/2016 16:45
Yes, you can  .
there are  a lot of similarities between this two hardware.
If flash the firmware I  specified ,one of the HDMI should be working properly.
Author: wouter    Time: 12/2/2016 17:14
Thank you, this firmware indeed works much better. However, 4k support is still not good (about 1/3rd of the screen does not work) and indeed only 1 HDMI port works kind of - sometimes I have to turn the screen off and on after a display mode change (such as when the desktop environment loads).
Author: isle    Time: 12/5/2016 10:20
hi wouter :
this firmware support two display, VGA and HDMI ,And the hdmi use the VOP little ,so it can't support 4K.
We will build a firmware for you which support 4K display with HDMI.
I will let you know when the firmware is ready.
Author: isle    Time: 12/5/2016 14:40
Hi wounter:
try this: ... EE/view?usp=sharing
Author: wouter    Time: 12/6/2016 21:49
Yes, HDMI works much better on this version. One thing that is still broken with the HDMI support though, is unplugging the HDMI monitor and plugging a different one in at runtime. Although this is not a requirement for our purposes, it is really annoying when testing things.

A different issue that I am having with both of these images is that Chromium browser is very slow, I think because it does not use hardware acceleration. Playing videos in the browser does not work at all. For our purposes this really needs to work properly.
Author: isle    Time: 12/7/2016 10:08
hi wouter
  yes ,the  chromium browser have not supported video accelerate yet.we have only support video accelerate with VAAPI (h264 only) for now.
     we will support more format like mpeg4 h265 h263 ..etc , and add these to browser.but it will take some times to do this.
    Sorry for that.
Author: wouter    Time: 12/13/2016 21:42
Do you have some sort of road map or time estimate for when this is actually usable?
Author: isle    Time: 12/14/2016 09:23
if evething goes well,we plan to release a  version in the next july.

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