I have followed the instructions on building meta-rockchip layer to build an SD card image.
But I cant seem to boot from it. I have flashed the SD card image,
And inserted the SD card and it doesnt seem to boot. Any reason what I am missing?
Warm Regards
KumarAuthor: isle Time: 5/17/2017 10:03
clear all the datas in the emmc flash and then try it again .Author: socfpga Time: 5/17/2017 19:16
How do I do it? I cant seem to stop at u-boot? Is there anyway to erase eMMC?Author: isle Time: 5/18/2017 09:39
First of all ,boot os (ubuntu)from emmc, then erase like this :
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M count=4
Copy the code
the cpu will load from emmc before from SD card, but if there is no code in the emmc ,it will load from SD card .
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