Title: How to load windows 8 embedded onto Firefly RK3288 [Print This Page] Author: tedd77 Time: 12/13/2014 21:43 Title: How to load windows 8 embedded onto Firefly RK3288
Could you please let me know how to load windows 8 embedded onto Firefly RK3288 ?Author: Developer_X Time: 12/15/2014 11:39
I think it can't run windows 8,because win8 is base on x86.Firefly-rk3288's CPU is arm.
other arm ?windows OS may be ok~Author: tedd77 Time: 12/15/2014 21:09
I have seen posts on Rapberry PI B+ running windows 8, the board is ARM based with low resources,? hence my question! Author: jas-rk Time: 12/15/2014 23:49
You must be mistaken RPI can't run Windows 8 see this link. RPI can run a x86 emulator but its so slow.
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