Title: fireduino dont working with ubuntu g¨Śn¨Śration >> all linux mint 18 [Print This Page] Author: jeffou66 Time: 8/2/2017 21:53 Title: fireduino dont working with ubuntu g¨Śn¨Śration >> all linux mint 18 Fireduino does not work on linux (be it ubuntu kernel for linux mint or another, because the arduino ID does not install in the same way on all linux machines).
I have followed all that is indicated in the wiki, but nothing of appearance of possibility of usveure of the usb port ....
Please buy your device very and there is always nothing for linux.
If you rely on a linux mint 18 this will work easily for 90% of linux users who can adjust the commands.
Thank you for doing something it's urgent now ...... Author: tsester Time: 2/7/2018 18:46 Last edited by tsester In 2/7/2018 19:33 Editor
In my case, i had to first upload a sketch in windows, then it worked fine in linux.
finally you'll need :
cd ~/.arduino15/packages/Firefly/tools/fireduino_tools/1.0.1
chmod +x upload_linux.sh update_tool rkImageMaker upgrade_tool
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