Title: Do these Mali-760 video drivers work for the Firefly? [Print This Page] Author: jaeclie Time: 12/19/2014 01:13 Title: Do these Mali-760 video drivers work for the Firefly? On github I was able to find a chromeOS overlay for the RK3288. In there where binary Linux user space video drivers for the RK3288. I can't test them because I don't own a Firefly. The main reason I was hesitant about getting one was the lack of video drivers. As long as the kernel module is compiled in the kernel then this could just be copied over. There is also this repo which is just for installing the driver. Any feedback would be great. Author: jas-rk Time: 12/19/2014 04:50
I think its too early to tell because a working kernel needs to made and the X driver built and then tested against the libraries. This will only give GPU acceleration (egl/gles) and I'm not convinced the X driver supports any extensions for 2D acceleration. Furthermore this doesn't cover VPU support, so at this stage it all looks interesting but nothing concrete.Author: Andy Time: 12/31/2014 10:08