Title: MAPI Camera Don't work Ov13850 Camera Module with RK3399 [Print This Page] Author: sepulm01 Time: 7/12/2018 07:36 Title: MAPI Camera Don't work Ov13850 Camera Module with RK3399 Hi ! I¡äm Mart¨ªn from Chile.
I'm trying to set up my camera but when I try to update de image file Firefly-RK3399_Android7.1.2_MP_180612 nothings happend.
Do you have a tutorial for real dommies? in english please.
1. Press and hold the recovery button
2. Press the reset button while still holding the recovery button
3. Continue holding the recovery button for about 10 seconds
4. Let go of the recovery button.
5. The AndroidTool should say something like "Found One Loader Device"
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