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Title: Cannot get GPIO control working via sysfs! [Print This Page]

Author: dijitanix    Time: 12/15/2018 00:49
Title: Cannot get GPIO control working via sysfs!
I am trying to control GPIO pins using sysfs but nothing is working. I have tried both armbian and ubuntu.

Here's my code:
[Trying to control Pin 40 on the board]

on debian, I tried:
echo "93" > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio93/direction
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio93/value

on ubuntu, I tried the above and also tried using 1093 instead of 93. Nothing works.

I get no errors, but the pin voltage is not changing.
Can someone please point me to a properly documented way to control GPIO on ROC-RK3328-CC ?

Author: dijitanix    Time: 12/15/2018 09:20
Is there no proper, official documentation for the GPIO pins on the ROC-RK3328-CC ?
The only "documentation" I've seen online doesn't work ... e-for-aml-s905x-cc/
Author: penguin    Time: 12/18/2018 17:50
@dijitanix , which pin do you want to manipulate?

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