Title: USBC (DP) to VGA adaptor issue [Print This Page] Author: RakeshDesai Time: 5/20/2019 23:09 Title: USBC (DP) to VGA adaptor issue I am using a USBC(DP) to VGA adaptor.
I have plugged in a USBc(DP) to VGA adaptor into the unit. I now have 2 screens (HDMI and VGA) cloned.
Now when I go into Android Settings / DP / Resolution - I do not get a complete list of resolutions available?
It simply shows 2 options Auto and 1920x1080p60.00
The unit should show all resolutions that the adaptor can handle.
I have also tried Leungs dts patch, but still no luck?
I want to use the adaptor with VGA at 1280x1024?
What other files do i need to change. DTS has patych below