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Title: Install ubuntu 18 [Print This Page]

Author: pedro_caldato    Time: 11/16/2019 02:08
Title: Install ubuntu 18
I'm trying to install the ubuntu on it, but I'm getting some troubles:
I'm following the windows tutorial (in and I already did the update firmware step, setting up the ubuntu.18.img, but I didn't understand how to do the "burn partition" step. Here is my problems and questions:
-Where can I find the images of the partition? I already tried to download the Ubuntu(GPT) in your site (, but the link doesn't work for me.
-In the tutorial of the link "", the picture referent to "burn partition" step shows a list of .img relative the partitions that I want to put on the device, but where can I get these .imgs?
-Also, have any tutorial more detailed which explains better what should I do after upgrade the firmware and burn the partitions?

Author: NegroĞı    Time: 11/26/2019 10:52
Here is the wiki in English.

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