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Title: internet access [Print This Page]

Author: BrokenStorie    Time: 7/14/2022 06:26
Title: internet access
Last edited by BrokenStorie In 7/13/2022 15:48 Editor


I've updated firmware to Debian 11 and connected to my network using wifi.
All settings are correct, when launching browser all sites I've attempted to access give dns resolution errors.

I'm very new to configuring Linux so any help would be fantastic.

Update: updated firmware to latest Ubuntu and everything works!!

Author: 799959745    Time: 7/14/2022 09:20
udhcpc -i wlan0
Author: daijh    Time: 7/14/2022 09:28
Can you get the ip? Check that /etc/resolv.conf is correct. In addition cat /proc/version to see the firmware version information
Author: pbeery    Time: 8/10/2022 22:09
I'm having the same issue. WiFi connects but it can't find any URLs typed into a browser nor can it access any repositories when doing an apt update

Can you tell us what we should see in the /etc/resolv.conf   and cat /proc/version ?    Also other suggestion  udhcpc -i wlan0  doesn't seem to be understood by Debian

Thanks again

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