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Title: ImGui on 3588 [Print This Page]

Author: patricka    Time: 7/30/2022 01:33
Title: ImGui on 3588

Context: I am trying to run ImGui application on the 3588 on Ubuntu 20.04. This is using OpenGL intensively... but doesn't work... I suspect an error with GLX...

So I then run glxinfo and I get the error: "couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig".

As I am not familiar with OpenGL, I don't know where to look at to fix this problem...

Any clue or hint so I can debug this? Is it an installation problem? Is it a driver problem?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Author: BrokenStorie    Time: 8/2/2022 22:32
I too have had problems, and continue to have problems running anything GL.

The demo included in the Ubuntu image/firmware works great though...

I'm trying to run any GL enabled components of XScreenSavers. All fail due to missing software and or drivers.

Author: elPresidente    Time: 8/4/2022 07:33
I'm also running into similar issues trying to run media apps relying on GL components (eg. Kodi). Keen to hear a solution!

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