I'm attempting to install a simple test app on the RK3288, thus far without success.
When attempting to debug the app Android Studio, a line is displayed in the AS console window stating it is "waiting on device."
In the terminal window used to start adb server, the following line is displayed multiple times:
AdbCommandRejectedException getting properties for device ????????????
From the same terminal window, "adb devices" returns this:
List of devices attached
???????????? no permissions
Can someone help me understand why this is happening?
Fwiw, my environment is Ubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit, Android Studio 1.1.0
Thank you.
Thank you for the response.
Itwas my understanding that udev rules had been set up already according to the instructions on the wiki page "ADB Usage" -> "ADB Installation under Ubuntu":
http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/Fir ... der_Ubuntu
Find below what I did according to that page. Are you saying that I need to do something different? Are these instructions for the RK3288 under Ubuntu incorrect or missing something?
Add device identity:
mkdir -p ~/.android
vi ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
# append following line
Add udev rule:
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
# append following line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666"
plug the USB OTG cable out, then plug in, or run the following
commands, to make udev rule take effect:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
So copy the adb to /usr/bin for convenience.
sudo adb kill-server
sudo adb shell
To see if you can get a shell of the device.
This is to confirm if permission is the root cause of your problem.
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