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Title: AIO3568J Error to compile Linux Firmware [Print This Page]

Author: ivan237    Time: 3/7/2023 05:03
Title: AIO3568J Error to compile Linux Firmware
I use a AIO3568J and i install Ubutnu 18.04 on it.I use this link "" to compile the linux firmware.
1- I upgrade and install git, repo and python successfully.

2- I download the full SDK via the command below "repo init --no-clone-bundle --repo-url -u -b master -m rk356x_linux_release.xml" and the terminal asks me to configure my email and my username and i do it. The SDK is downloaded succesfully i tkink.

3- I synchronize the code with the commands below ".repo/repo/repo sync -c --no-tags". I think the synchronization was not done well because i had errors like this "curl : the requested url returned error 403". I do not know why i have this and some files are not completely dowloaded(For example 82/356).

4- For Building the board i use the command "./" and i select the number 0 but the file doesn't contain this text :

# Target archexport RK_ARCH=arm64 # 64-bit ARM# Uboot defconfigexport RK_UBOOT_DEFCONFIG=firefly_rk3568 # u-boot configuration# Kernel defconfigexport RK_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG=firefly_linux_defconfig # kernel configuration# Kernel dtsexport RK_KERNEL_DTS=firefly-rk3568-aioj # dts file# parameter for GPT tableexport RK_PARAMETER=parameter-ubuntu-fit.txt # partition table# rootfs image pathexport RK_ROOTFS_IMG=ubuntu_rootfs/rk356x_ubuntu_rootfs.img # filesystem path

5- Finally i cannot compile with "./" and I need help for solve the problem.

Thank you

Author: ivan237    Time: 3/7/2023 05:48
And I want to set WIFI 6 on this board. Can you help me ?
Author: Liuth    Time: 3/7/2023 09:46
The SDK is for cross-compile, which means SDK is used on x86_64 PC, not on arm64 boards.
So please download the SDK on your ubuntu18 personal computer then synchronize and build.
If your synchronization succeed, then no need to worry about content of
Just ./ and ./
Author: ivan237    Time: 3/7/2023 13:39
Last edited by ivan237 In 3/7/2023 13:41 Editor
Liuth Posted at 3/7/2023 09:46
The SDK is for cross-compile, which means SDK is used on x86_64 PC, not on arm64 boards.
So please  ...

Ok but how I will do the link between my personnal computer and the AIO3568J Board? And the synchronization will be done on what ? (Personnal Computer or AIO3568J Board). The command "./ and ./" will be done on what ? (Personnal Computer or AIO3568J Board)

I think it's necessary to mention this details in the wiki please.
Author: Liuth    Time: 3/7/2023 15:51
ivan237 Posted at 3/7/2023 13:39
Ok but how I will do the link between my personnal computer and the AIO3568J Board?  And the synch ...

Do all steps on PC
After building you will get a firmware, then follow this wiki to burn the firmware to your board.
Author: ivan237    Time: 3/7/2023 23:15
Liuth Posted at 3/7/2023 15:51
Do all steps on PC
After building you will get a firmware, then follow this wiki to burn the firm ...

The instructions you sent to me just allow me to download Ubuntu 18.04 via the cable. I already do it by the SD CARD.

I want to know the steps to follow after i install Ubuntu 18.04 on my AIO3568J Board.
Author: ivan237    Time: 3/8/2023 15:56
Liuth Posted at 3/7/2023 15:51
Do all steps on PC
After building you will get a firmware, then follow this wiki to burn the firm ...

I want help step by step on all the instructions on downloading the SDK

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