Title: ROC-RK3588S-PC failed with CAM-8MS1M with Debian 11 v1.1.1a SDK [Print This Page] Author: CameraMen Time: 9/12/2023 01:04 Title: ROC-RK3588S-PC failed with CAM-8MS1M with Debian 11 v1.1.1a SDK Last edited by CameraMen In 9/12/2023 01:05 Editor
Camera module CAM-8MS1M is not working on ROC-RK3588S-PC with Debian 11 v1.1.1a SDK .
Author: Haye Time: 9/13/2023 14:26
The same for me, I used the prebuilt sdk firmware for Ubuntu and Debian with the camera, it was not detected.
Then I built the firmare sdk and added the recommended driver file include into kernel/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/roc-rk3588s-pc.dts.
But also with this image the camera was not usable, e.g. with the test_camera.-*.sh scripts of the sdk.Author: zhangzhenzhao Time: 9/25/2023 11:54
Please use this version of firmware(ROC-RK3588S-PC_Debian11_v1.0.4b_221123). There are some issues with the latest version of Debian firmware about CAM-8MS1M, and we will fix and reissue the firmware in the future .Author: zhangzhenzhao Time: 9/25/2023 11:55
The latest firmware for Ubuntu has been fixed, but Debian's will take some time~
Author: CameraMen Time: 9/30/2023 13:59 Last edited by CameraMen In 9/30/2023 14:15 Editor
Thank you. Indeed, version 1.1.1c Ubuntu supports CAM-8MS1M.
But this version has an issue - HDMI always used as video out even if DSI selected.
I built image with