Title: How Dual Boot Works on Firefly RK3288 [Print This Page] Author: sghazagh Time: 7/25/2015 09:18 Title: How Dual Boot Works on Firefly RK3288 Can any one explain the way Dual Boot works on Firefly RK3288?
I assume the existing 'Linux app' or 'Android app' replaces the boot and kernel images to switch between Android and Linux OSs.
If this is the case, is there any source code for Android or Linux switching app to see how they swap the images to boot to other OS?
I compiled UBoot to be able to get into the U-Boot prompt.
It only works if I load Android and for Linux this option will be disabled as apparently the U-Boot image replaced at the time. So where is the U-Boot source or GIT for Linux?!
Where can I find the source of "bootrk" script used in 'bootcmd' command in UBoot to see what is does?!
Any help will be appreciated!
ThanksAuthor: busybee Time: 7/25/2015 10:46
The Android SDK has the u-boot direcotory which contains the full source code of U-Boot. Author: busybee Time: 7/25/2015 10:48
Some dual boot resource:
Just a quick question.
As 'linuxroot' is the Linux RootFS file system , the content of recovery partition is Linux Kernel (with or without initram), is that right?
So where we point to "parameter" partition appears as "/dev/blobk/mmcblk0p1" when we boot to Linux???
Is it hard-coded to device or the kernel does that?
Where we set this, if the kernel does?
Can you please explain?
Many thanks...
Author: busybee Time: 7/27/2015 09:45 Last edited by busybee In 7/27/2015 09:46 Editor
The content of recovery partition is Linux Kernel with initramfs.
The parameter partition (flashed with parameter image, a wrapper for parameter file) contains the partition info,
which is loaded by U-Boot and passed to kernel as command line parameter.
You can see the kernel command line parameter by:
$ cat /proc/cmdline
then the partition info within the command line is parsed and hence paritions are created.
Therefore, if you need to change the parition, just modify parameter file and flash it back to the storage. Author: sghazagh Time: 7/27/2015 10:29