Title: How can I play the FHD movie file using hardware decoder with VLC player on ubun [Print This Page] Author: jykwun Time: 1/7/2016 14:32 Title: How can I play the FHD movie file using hardware decoder with VLC player on ubun Hi all,
I am newbie using RK3288.
As soon as I receive the RK3288, I've installed the VLC with 'apt-get install vlc' to play FHD movie file.
But i've noticed something is wrong.(can't play or too slow)
Is this related to method of using hardware decoder?
How can i play well with VLC player?Author: shervinemami Time: 1/21/2016 05:52
Linux on Firefly-RK3288 doesn't have VPU hardware video decoding, so if you watch any high-res video it will be too slow or broken. The user "mac_l1" figured out how to do hardware video decoding on Linux with RK3288, so if you install his version of machybris / mackodi, you won't have video acceleration in VLC but you can atleast watch many videos in Kodi / XBMC with hardware video decoding and video rendering! eg: run the Install MacKodi script at http://mac-l1.com/
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