1) Kernel mali driver: just checked firefly's lollipop git repo and correct version is already included in lollipop kernel, so should work.
2) User space mali drivers for X11: binary libs made and released by ARM, downloadable. Don't know how linkable they are for what specific linux versions.
4) xf86-video-armsoc - You also need a X11 user-space display driver specific for that GPU, and this is provided in mminds github: https://github.com/mmind/xf86-video-armsoc/tree/packaging/debian. X11 server will load this driver to do the accelerated display stuff.
Besides these 4 drivers, maybe some generic X11 components need to be rebuild.
And again, basically, that's all ;-)
Just hope some hero developer is willing to put some effort into this and make it work!Author: maqiangddb Time: 3/6/2016 10:03
Hi all:
If RK3288 gpu have gstreamer plugin for hw decode?
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