Issues updating SDK
Posted at 9/14/2022 19:36:53
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I downloaded the SDK and followed the steps described in the README.
However, when running `update.sh`, vim pops up twice (I tried exiting it with and without saving to a random file name), and then these errors show up:
- #####################################################
- # PRO: /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/debian
- #####################################################
- # CMD: git branch
- repo_sync
- * rk3588/firefly
- rk3588/rockchip
- # PAS: 0
- # CMD: git pull /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/rk3588-v0.1.0a-to-v0.1.1a/debian/rk3588-v0.1.0a-to-v0.1.1a.bundle rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a:rk3588/firefly
- Receiving objects: 100% (8/8), 1.26 MiB | 215.55 MiB/s, done.
- Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
- From /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/rk3588-v0.1.0a-to-v0.1.1a/debian/rk3588-v0.1.0a-to-v0.1.1a.bundle
- 27e537e..a9112c8 rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a -> rk3588/firefly
- * [new tag] rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a -> rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a
- warning: fetch updated the current branch head.
- fast-forwarding your working tree from
- commit 27e537ef35f7948f490e2bef660cdbc98c8821f2.
- Already up to date.
- # PAS: 0
- # CMD: git checkout rk3588/firefly
- Already on 'rk3588/firefly'
- # PAS: 0
- #####################################################
- #####################################################
- # PRO: /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/external/drm-cursor
- #####################################################
- # CMD: git branch
- repo_sync
- * rk3588/firefly
- rk3588/rockchip
- # PAS: 0
- # CMD: git tag rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.0a
- fatal: no tag message?
- # ERR: 128
- ############### apply rk3588-v0.1.0a-to-v0.1.1a done ###############
- ############### apply rk3588-v0.1.1a-to-v1.0.0a ###############
- #####################################################
- #####################################################
- # PRO: /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/external/security/rk_tee_user
- #####################################################
- # CMD: git branch
- repo_sync
- * rk3588/firefly
- rk3588/rockchip
- # PAS: 0
- # CMD: git tag rk3588/linux_release_v1.0.0a rk3588/linux_release_v0.1.1a
- fatal: no tag message?
- # ERR: 128
- ############### apply rk3588-v0.1.1a-to-v1.0.0a done ###############
- ############### apply rk3588-v1.0.0a-to-v1.0.0b ###############
- #####################################################
- #####################################################
- # PRO: /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/external/security/rk_tee_user
- #####################################################
- # CMD: git branch
- repo_sync
- * rk3588/firefly
- rk3588/rockchip
- # PAS: 0
- ERR: no tag:v1.0.0a
- ############### apply rk3588-v1.0.0a-to-v1.0.0b done ###############
- ############### apply rk3588-v1.0.0b-to-v1.0.0c ###############
- #####################################################
- #####################################################
- # PRO: /home/nett/Stuff/firefly/rk3588/external/security/rk_tee_user
- #####################################################
Copy the code
Full log: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/f1a3dffc/
What can I do to fix this? |