Modifying and Flashing Kernel Image [Edited]
Posted at 9/28/2015 02:34:15
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Last edited by sweckhoff In 9/28/2015 02:51 Editor
I am trying to setup a workflow for modifying kernel sources and flashing them to the device. Initially, I am just doing some verification that the workflow is correct by placing a print statement in one of the probe methods.
Steps that I am following:
0. sudo upgrade_tool uf FirePrime_Ubuntu15.04_201508071519.img (This is to start from a know point.)
1. Modify kernel source in the SDK's kernel directory
2. make fireprime-linux_defconfig [1]
3. make -j8 rk3128-fireprime.img [1]
4. git clone -b fireprime https://github.com/TeeFirefly/initrd.git [1]
5. make -C initrd [1]
6. mkbootimg --kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage --ramdisk initrd.img -o linux-boot.img [1]
7. sudo upgrade_tool di -b linux-boot.img [1][2]
After resetting the device I get the following:
DDR Version 2.04 20150121
1A1A2A2B 0
1A1A2929 3
29292929 F
Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=14 CS=2 Die Bus-Width=32 Size=1024MB
Boot1 Release Time: 2015-05-25, version: 2.25
ChipType = a 1374
No.1 FLASH ID:ad de 14 a7 42 4a
*Y[[�R+�W���j�4E�Ʌ��%��сz������Š�j��theLC�C�UK����&�LM�LLK���L&NKL��(Jun 12 2015 - 09:11:25)
CPU: rk3128
CPU's clock information:
arm pll = 300000000HZ
periph pll = 594000000HZ
ddr pll = 600000000HZ
codec pll = 400000000HZ
Board: Rockchip platform Board
Uboot as second level loader
DRAM: Found dram banks:1
Adding bank:0000000060000000(0000000040000000)
128 MiB
rk dma�.]KW�V�-+��j*RH��W-�V�V��R��WK�˫���5Rj�t��U,�X[C�,ZY�-H\X�X[Y�Y��success
Unknow param: MACHINE_MODEL:rk312x!
Unknow param: MACHINE_ID:007!
failed to prepare fdt from boot!
power key: bank-3 pin-23
can't find dts node for ricoh619
can't find dts node for act8846
can't find dts node for rk808
++++ LDO3 write 0x03 to regular
cpu_det GPIO pull up
Can't find dts node for fuel guage cw201x
can't find dts node for ADC
SecureBootEn = 0, SecureBootLock = 0
#Boot ver: 2015-06-12#2.25
empty serial no.
vbus = 1
use dc chg rk818_charger_setting iset1:0x79 chgiset:0x75 current 1
read logo_on switch from dts [1]
can't find power_ctr node for lcdc0
failed to find part:logo
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
boot/recovery image sha mismatch!
Unable to boot:boot
try to start recovery
failed to find part:recovery
'recovery' does not seem to be a partition nor an address
Unable to boot:recovery
try to start backup
failed to find part:kernel
ERROR: [rk_load_image_from_storage]: bootrk: bad boot or kernel image
Unable to boot:backup
try to start rockusb
I think this line is the issue:
boot/recovery image sha mismatch!
Unable to boot:boot
I am not sure though. I have also checked the partition sizes and everything should fit.
Any help would be appreciated. The Rockchip way is unfamiliar to me and I am failing to grasp what is wrong with my workflow.
[1] http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/FirePrime/Build_kernel/en
[2] http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/FirePrime/Flash_image/en