Disabling noise reduction RK3399
Posted at 9/23/2017 16:10:16
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Last edited by BillyBonesX99 In 9/27/2017 04:51 Editor
What parameter is responsible for disabling noise reduction RK3399 (on/off)? (Android 6 & 7) I want to disable via Init.d-script.Compression noise reduct ion with filter matrix up to 7x7.
Compression noise reduction with filter matrix up to 7x7.
Programmable difference table for compression noise reduction.
Programmable distance table for compression noise reduction.
Spatial sampling noise reduction.
Temporal sampling noise reduction.
Optional coefficient for sampling noise reduction.
Max resolution for dynamic image:
Sampling noise reduction: 1920x1080
Compression noise reduction: 4096x2304
ex. for AMLogic noise reduction:
- /sys/module/di/parameters/nr2_en
Copy the code Where is Rockchip setting?
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