After connected USB3 screen, boot problem
Posted at 7/6/2017 15:20:00
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Last edited by atoutsens In 7/6/2017 15:29 Editor
For a new project, we are trying to use a RK3399 cards. We like it for the DP port in 60 fps.
We are using Ubuntu Firefly-rk3399_xubuntu1604_201705111112 image.
So, when I connect a HD screen in HDMI, no problem.
If I connect a 4k screen with USB3 to Displayport, nothing appear. OK, perhaps need reboot.
After reboot, i loose the graphic interface of Ubuntu.
But after that, impossible to come back to graphic interface. Only solution, reflash.
Do you have any idea ?
And, how to activated properly the Dpe port to have 4k display ?