Could not able to prepare a SDCARD for booting using Mainline Kernel (4.4 versi
Posted at 12/16/2016 21:27:05
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I have a beelink R89 which can work with any firefly image ( at least all of them tested until now works ok). I ttried to prepare a SD card using 4.4 Mainline kernel but without success. The screen using HDMI remaine blank and No signal appear. Unfortunattely I don'thave UART - TTL connection so I don't know what is wrong. The SD card image posted in download section works OK but it have 3.10 kernel. I was able to even replace the kernel with a 3.10 compiled one, and that works as well. However compiling 4.4 kernel I could not able to load it from sdcard. I used also method with parameter file, and also with extlink.conf, but without success. I tried to also use the image found in download section with linux and mainline kernel, but that image is not for SD card, so I slightly changed it, but again no luck.
Does anybody have an Mainline Kernel image that can boot from sdcard and works of course? I want to leave internal flash untouched in order to be able to boot android when the sdcard is not inserted.
Thank You very much