How to flash/split xubuntu image?
Posted at 1/24/2018 22:56:11
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I have a firefly rk3399 board purchased about 1 year ago. Don't know if the emmc is the original one or it has been flashed by my colleagues. Anyway, I want to update it to latest image.
I downloaded the latest xubuntu image from google drive.
I work on Ubuntu PC. The wiki page (http://en.t-firefly.com/index.php/doc/product/info/id/263.html) says that both rkflashtool and rkflashkit can only flash partition image, not the full emmc image, so my question is:
1. the decompressed file Firefly-RK3399_xubuntu1604_201711301130.img. is it a partition image or a full emmc image?
2. if it is a partition image, where could I download other partitions?
3. if it is a full emmc image, is it possible to split it into several partition image? and how? or the only thing I can do is to find a Windows PC?