Technical briefing for Firefly-RK3288:Updates for firmware and Android 4.4 codes
Posted at 4/24/2015 14:25:20
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1. Major updates for the default SDK:- set OV13850 to back camera
- support "recent task" key
- fix problem that can't switch to ubuntu Probability
- update sdio driver
- fix the mediaserver crash probability
- update video lib and apk
- support modify uart rate in dts
- support HDCP
- modifu VPU freq to 600MHz
- HDMI use irq mode
- fix no sound after wake up from suspend
- support ip multicast for fireasy
To upgrade the SDK, please refer to the Download Android SDK of the default version on wiki.
You can download the newest firmware Firefly-RK3288_Android4.4_201504181055.7z from any of the following cloud storage:
l Baidu Cloud
l Google Drive
2. Major updates for the pad sdk:- close auto suspend in usb hub
- update RGA
- support 5.5' LCD(IPS5K0350) default
- if you want to use 10.1' LVDS LCD(B101EW05), please refer to wiki
To upgrade the SDK, please refer to the Download Android SDK of the PAD version on wiki.
You can download the newest firmware Firefly-RK3288_PAD_IPS5K0350FPC_Android4.4_201504222155.7z from any of the following cloud storage:
l Baidu Cloud
l Google Drive