Posted at 8/13/2015 19:04:06
Only Author
Last edited by sghazagh In 8/13/2015 19:07 Editor
Here is answer to my above question:
I have searched through the Android SDK files for Firefly RK3288 and have found that the main C++ file defining the Bootanimation is :
In there, the boot music is defined as well and that's why the name should be "boot.ogg" to work.
I also have found that we can have "shutdownanimation.zip" similar to "bootanimation.zip" file but there is no function for shutdown and FireFly does nothing at the time of shutdown unless you manually define whatever you need to have:
- void BootAnimation::checkExit() {
- // Allow surface flinger to gracefully request shutdown
- if(mShutdown)//shutdown animation
- {
- return;
- }
Copy the code As you see, it simply exits the routine and further on the code it calls the power off java routine to turn the system off.