Running Docker 1.6.2
Posted at 1/10/2016 19:43:31
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I'm trying to run Docker on Firefly RK-3288.
I installed the 1.6.2 package but it started complaining on missing kernel modules.
So i downloaded the kernel source code from https://bitbucket.org/T-Firefly/firefly-rk3288-kernel/src
I managed to compile the relevant modules for Docker.
Then i can load some of them, but it fails on the iptables related ones.
Here the error :
root@firefly:/lib# docker -d
INFO[0000] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
INFO[0000] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
INFO[0000] +job init_networkdriver()
WARN[0000] Running modprobe bridge nf_nat failed with message: insmod /lib/modules/3.10.0/kernel/net/netfilter/nf_nat.ko
, error: exit status 1
Failed to inject docker in PREROUTING chain: iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
(exit status 1)
INFO[0000] -job init_networkdriver() = ERR (1)
FATA[0000] Shutting down daemon due to errors: (exit status 1)
Any idea what to do ?
I don't want to mess up the install and reflash a new kernel. I just want to load the missing modules.