How to "1080p & Tablet mode" for Portrait orientation
Posted at 6/10/2015 05:41:00
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As you advised, I rebuild android image which supports "Portrait" mode, however, I get the tablet for resolution like a small screen: icons big, no power button in the bottom bar etc.
I have several questions as result of this expirience:
1) How one can configure at image compilation to show the GUI in tablet mode and with 1080p 160dpi and small/large icons?
2) I tried to change parameters into build.prop, but it looks like the file is overwritted at the boot. Where I can change those parameters and how I can make the board reading and using parameters from build.prop?
3) As far as I can see, I can add 1280x800 resolution in to the /kernel/drivers/video/rockchip/hdmi/rk_hdmi_lcdc.c file, please confirm...
Thank you in advance, Vlad.