Flashing new kernel.img and resources.img
Posted at 6/25/2015 10:27:12
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Hi everyone,
I am working on some modifications on the kernel device-tree (Firefly) and as the kernel re-compilation ends, the new images kernel.img and resources.img are ready to be flashed.
Using the Rockchip tools (AndroidTool v2.3 for Windows) I can successfully flash these images on the board however changes do not take effect.
Looking at the bash script mkimage.sh, developers can decide to create an OTA compatible boot image (boot.img) and same for the recovery image (recovery.img) which can also contain the kernel image itself.
In case boot.img and/or recovery.img already contain the kernel image, will flashing a stand-alone kernel.img be ignored until new boot.img/recovery.img are flashed as well?
Thank you! |