SPI drivers
Posted at 8/30/2016 16:11:03
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Last edited by shahidalinadaf In 8/30/2016 16:12 Editor
Hi Team firefly,
I recently bought Firefly RK3288 development board and i am runnining ubuntu 14.04 with kernel version 3.10. I am trying to get SPI interface working and i see that the SPI drivers are not built as a part of the kernel as the node is not reflecting in /dev/ directory.
I followed the steps mention in the http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/Firefly-RK3288/SPI/en wiki page, but when i try to cross compile the kernel it throws me an error relating to
gsl_fp_write(spidev, 0x00, 0xf0); function . I browsed through the kernel source code and tried to find gsl_fp_write
function but i was not able to locate it. In the wiki page defination for gsl_fp_getOneFrame and gsl_spidev_sync_read
functions are available but defination for gsl_fp_write is missing.
Can you help me build the spi drivers?
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