Flashing kernel.img not working
Posted at 12/29/2017 14:22:32
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Last edited by Echoa89 In 12/29/2017 14:26 Editor
So it's been a while since I worked on my rk3288 (it got crushed accidentally). I compiled the kernel from source like I always use to on 4.4 when I made my overclocking kernel that I posted a how to on my old forum account I can't access anymore.
Anyway the issue is when I flash the kernel.img the kernel doesn't change, tried every combo of kernel+boot+parameter+etc. That I could think of to get it to work but nothing. No matter what I do I can't flash the kernel even though it says successful nothing changes. It's always the same default kernel regardless of what IMG i flash
I'd like to add that I'm using the flashtool from the mini rk3288 board as the links in the original rk3288 wiki are broken and don't go anywhere. Is this a flash tool issue? What is going on with the Android 5.1 source? Did the location for the kernel change?
Any help is appreciated as I'm out of the loop on things and following how I use to do it and how the wiki says to don't work (and wiki isn't up to date it seems) |