Please document how exactly a latest RK3399 Ubuntu rootfs is built
Posted at 12/9/2017 21:13:42
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Last edited by cb182d In 12/12/2017 23:52 Editor
Please document how exactly a latest RK3399 Ubuntu rootfs is built
Currently there is a page related to RK3399 rootfs (http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index. ... Build_Ubuntu_rfs/en ) but this is severely out-dated. Following this guide, a system with nearly no working device will be built.
I tried the latest official Xubuntu image and it works well, but when I built my own rootfs with the official document, none of the following devices work properly:
1. Bluetooth
Possibly missing firmware and /usr/local/bin/enable_bt ?
2. WiFi
Firmware missing
3. GPU (OpenGL ES, libmali)
I can see libmali-rk-midgard-dev and libmali-rk-midgard-4th-r13p0 in official Xubuntu rootfs, but copying libEGL.so/libGLESv2.so/etc. to my own rootfs results in "EGLUT: Failed to initialize EGL display" when running es2gears. doing a dpkg-repack results the same.
Where can I download/create the libmali-rk-midgard-dev & libmali-rk-midgard-4th-r13p0 deb packages? How should them be installed?
4. Sound (rt5640)
Device shows up, but no sound output.
5. Hardware video decoding
Adding rockchip firmware overlay (https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rk-rootfs-build) on GitHub will get WiFi working, but I googled for hours with no luck for other devices. |