Justto show I've got the RK3288 video processor (VPU) working on linux-both decoder and encoder-:
TechnicallyI use -Android's libraries: for access to the vpu device driver and formemory management – both encoding and decoding h264 byte-streams -libhybris: to access these libraries on linux/ubuntu -rga2 device driver for 2D HW accelerated blitting and convertingframes (yuv/nv21 <=> rgb32) -ARMs OpenGL library, driver and examples (fbdev) to render rotatedimages using the GPU -raw framebuffer device access to blit full-screen (full-screen playerand recorder) -avlib to demux movie containers (mp4/mov) to bytestreams (player) andvice versa (recorder)
Dueto a clean low-level interface it should be quite easy to add videoacceleration to xbmc, avlib-tools, gstreamer, vlc, … Also all hwsupported formats should be supported (including HEVC).
Basicallythis should also work on RK3188 devices, as Androids libs are almostidentical and libhybris is also working (my next project...)
-- MAC