Posted at 1/5/2022 16:02:50
Only Author
I'm pointing out 2 things. The minimal ubuntu firmware from https://en.t-firefly.com/doc/download/page/id/84.html isn't working when downloaded from the site and uploaded to the board. The red light keeps flashing, i don't have a log, but probably kernel panic. It can be solved by replacing the boot.img that's within the firmware image of the small ubuntu firmware with the one from the full ubuntu firmware and upload that to the board.
The other thing is that both ubuntu images are built with a kernel where the swap option has been disabled. This means that when executing the following script to configure 1 gb of swap space on the board:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap1 count=1K bs=1M
mkswap /var/swap1
sudo chown root:root /var/swap1
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap1
sudo swapon /var/swap1
The last command gives the following error:
swapon failed: Function not implemented
I think firefly needs to rebuild and replace the small ubuntu image on the site with a good one and when doing so recompile the kernel with the swap option enabled. And probably do the same for the other full ubuntu image.