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Title: Camera is not working on firefly RK3399 which is running Ubuntu OS [Print This Page]

Author: anveshdotneeli    Time: 6/27/2018 15:11
Title: Camera is not working on firefly RK3399 which is running Ubuntu OS
I connected MIPI camera and trying to stream video data on VLC application. but I am getting error lilke "/dev/video0 is not capture device"
Even from one linux application I tried to capture the data from the camera,but here also same error.
How to get the data from camera
How I can approach this?
Author: leungÏÈÉ­    Time: 6/27/2018 16:36
Ubuntu do not support mipi-csi temporary.
Author: kanderson    Time: 6/27/2018 22:20
How soon will it be supported?

I understand you have it running under the Android side.  

Please provide a timeline. or any sort of estimate.  Are we looking at days, weeks, or months?
Author: Barmygorilla    Time: 8/9/2018 11:17
Any ideas when we can see support for MIPI cameras for debian based system? The ecosystem for firefly isn't great. I would expect when selling cameras with the firefly SBC, you would expect it to work on debian based system similar to rapsberry PI. Most people use debian based OSes or similar on a SBC than android. From reading the forum post, firefly usually pass the buck to Rockchip to resolve this issue than supporting their own boards. I will be weary to buy my next lot of SBC from them.

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