[RK3288 Reload] Cannot get in MASKROM mode
Posted at 5/22/2017 17:56:52
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We are trying to flash our custom Linux firmware built using Yocto to the Firefly RK3288 board but we are running into several issues.
The instructions on http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Yocto and http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Boot_option assume we are in MASKROM mode when installing the image. We get the error message "The device does not support this operation!" while we try to use the "rkdeveloptool db RK3288UbootLoader_V2.19.10.bin" command when not in MASKROM mode.
While trying to use the manual at "http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/Firefly-RK3288/MaskRom/en" to enter MASKROM mode, whenever we connect the two points and try to boot the device, it does not do anything. If we try to enter recovery mode, we arrive in LOADER mode as normal. So we cannot get into MASKROM mode.
What are we doing wrong, or can we avoid using MASKROM mode altogether? |