Posted at 10/25/2016 19:24:18
Last edited by bschiett In 10/25/2016 19:40 Editor
OK, when I look at the datasheet of the connector
https://drive.google.com/drive/u ... gAqAcy0tcUJOWHhpODA
I see 4 groups, E1-E4, containing each 10 pins, and then I see pins 1-125 and pins 133-281. In total 4x10 + 125 + 149 = 314 pins.
When I look at the pinout of the core module (RK3288_Core_DDR3_V00_Pin_Definition.xls) I indeed see 310 pins.
1) Can you confirm you are just re-numbering the pins, continously from the left side of the connector when viewing from the top?
2) When viewing the connector and the core module from the top, when the core module has been inserted in the connector, does the lefmost pin (pin 1 of group E1) correspond with the leftmost pin on the bottom side of the core module?
3) The reason why I am asking is that in the document RK3288_Core_DDR3_V00_Pin_Definition.xls the photo for the bottom side is showing pin 1 on the left hand side, but it should probably show it on the right hand side, correct?
Thanks for your help and clarification.