I’m going to introduce a quick way to root in Android, which will help get access to some powerful apks. The following progress is based on Linux.
1.Connect the open-source board to a PC and make sure adb is functioning. 2.Run the quick_root.tar in the attached files. Run the command: tar xf quick_root.tar. 3.Run the following commands. adb remount
adb push root.tar system/usr/root.tar
adb push quick_root.sh system/usr/
adb shell
And then run the following commands.
root@rk3288:/ # cd system/usr/
root@rk3288:/system/usr # chmod 777 quick_root.sh
root@rk3288:/system/usr # ./quick_root.sh
After that, the configuration files will be installed automatically and the device will be rebooted.The device will be rooted after reboot.
4. Open the RE explorer and test if the root is successful. 1) Open the RE explorer and go to system/app. 2) Click the Mount R/W button on the upper left.You will see a pop-up window for superuser permission.

3) Delete apks under system/app via RE explorer. If you can delete them, it means that the device has been rooted.
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