Power Key/button on rk3399-roc-pc
Posted at 4/1/2020 13:02:53
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Can you guys please suggest me on my requirement.
rk3399-roc-pc board has a Power Key/button. As per the schematics this
Power Key/button is connected to GPIO0_A5.
My requirement is can I use this button for board powerup (especially
in linux when we issue "poweroff" command, the board shuts down and it should power back on
after I press the Power Key/button).
For the above to happen, I think this Power Key/button be connected to
PMIC RK808-D IC, am i correct ?
In the schematics, it is not very clear as if such arrangement is
there (though it says it can be an option in
Please suggest/comment on my requirement.
Thanks |