FireFly RK3288 and Dallas DS18b20 Temperature Sensor
Posted at 9/30/2015 18:21:39
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Last edited by sghazagh In 9/30/2015 18:26 Editor
Hello all,
I try to connect a Dallas Temperature Sensor DS18B20 to my FireFly RK3288 board but I am not able to read the values of temperature as the device is not working !
The W1 OneWire driver is enabled for kernel and also I have enabled the "W1-Master-GPIO" and "W1-SLAVE-Temp" for kernel but I think I need to modify FireFly device tree as well.
Can anyone please advise and assist me to add to device tree if I use pins shown in attached image to connect my sensor to?
I actually looking for a document showing the GPIO numbering but I couldn't find any document which clearly explain it. Therfore the FireFly GPIOs numbering are not quite clear for me.
Can anyone help and explain first, how can I fix the above issue and second, how should I use FireFly GPIOs?
Many many Thanks